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Which are the best energy tariffs - september 2024 ?


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Compare energy suppliers - september 2024. Switching energy suppliers is easy and free! Compare the tariffs offered by suppliers with just one click. The independent test only takes 5 minutes of your time and can help you find an optimal solution to save money on your energy bill every month. Thanks to our free price comparison service to compare energy suppliers, you can compare different energy tariffs based on your specific energy consumption or your type of home to find the cheapest energy tariff for your electricity and/or natural gas.

How do you change energy supplier?

1 You compare prices for gas and electricity on DareToCompare.be
2 You choose a new energy tariff
3 Energy suppliers take care of the switch
4 You report your current meter reading
5 You enjoy a lower monthly energy bill
Not really, you can do this, but you should not. Tell us your current energy supplier, and how long you have been a customer. From then on, we will keep an eye on everything for you. You will receive an e-mail and/or text message as soon as it is time to check your energy bill again.
Switching your energy supplier is very easy and takes less than 5 minutes. All you have to do is give them your name, address and your meter number. The new energy supplier will then automatically contact your former energy supplier to arrange the administration and switch.
You are completely free to choose 2 different energy suppliers. Yet most customers do opt for 1 energy supplier for dual fuel, because it is just a little bit easier for your own administration.
No, because switch your energy supplier is purely an administrative change. An energy switch does not involve any physical changes to your meter. One month you will receive an energy bill from supplier X, and the next month from supplier Y. You'll never be left without electricity or gas.
Most people compare their energy supplier purely on the basis of price, every year you can change energy supplier and enjoy the lowest energy price or the highest discounts. In addition, our [energy simulation tools](/energy) give you the possibility to filter results on contract type, contract period, extra services, payment methods, and many more features.
DareToCompare.be offers a free and fast alternative for the VREG V-test or the CREG-Scan. All energy suppliers are included in our results with accurate price calculations, but additionally all promotions and discounts will be taken into account.
An indexed tariff is an energy tariff whose price can increase or decrease during the year. The price in based on the prices of the global energy market. In 2020, the prices have dropped significantly because there was less global demand due to Covid-19. By the end of 2020, prices have started to rise again. A fixed tariff is an energy tariff of which the price is really fixed. Both at the beginning and at the end of your contract, you pay exactly the same price for your consumption. In this way, you cover yourself against price increases, but you do not benefit from any price reductions.
An energy supplier bills you not only for the energy consumed (the so-called price per kWh), but also a fixed fee. This fee is a subscription cost that you pay annually for the services of the supplier. If you change energy supplier, some suppliers refund the fixed fee to you pro rata, and some do not. This depends from supplier to supplier, and from energy contract to energy contract.
The margin indicates the difference between the price you get paid when generating excess electricity vs. the price you pay when using electricity from the grid. Feed-In tariffs are exempt from VAT, so the margin is calculated on the prices without VAT.
There are 2 types of energy meters (for private individuals). With a single meter, your meter consists of 1 measuring instrument. All your consumption, whether during the day or night, is recorded on that same instrument. You pay the same price per kWh, regardless of the moment. With a day and night meter, there are 2 meters. One registers your consumption during the day (usually between 6h-22h) and the other registers all your consumption at night. The price at night is lower than the price you pay during the day. This is why it is best to use 'big' power consumers, such as washing machines and tumble dryers, only at night.
In principle, you can switch your energy supplier at any given moment. However, we recommend that you always respect your initial contract term of 1 or 3 years. The promotion you enjoyed at the start is often linked to how long you remain a customer. When you make the switch, you must take a notice period of 30 calendar days into account. Private customers are not charged a cancellation fee.
No, each energy supplier is free to choose whether or not to pay you a feed in fee, neither is the feed in tariff set by the government. There are quite large differences between the fee the energy suppliers are willing to pay you. Be sure to check out our Feed In Tariffs overview table.
As an SME or self-employed entrepreneur, you can always switch to a different energy tariff or energy supplier. A prerequisite is that you are an annually metered customer; as long as your company receives an annual final invoice and pays monthly advances, there is no problem. However, if your company has a monthly or hourly read meter, you should check your energy contract, as stricter cancellation conditions apply, as stipulated in your energy agreement.
Your final feed in fee depends on the amount of generated electricity that you put on the grid. Calculation example: for a residual of 2,000 kWh, your compensation currently varies from € 33 with Eneco to € 91 with Engie. Be sure to check out the Feed In Tariff overview table for all the latest prices.
Most energy suppliers only pay a feed in tariff to their own customers, who have a delivery contract that stipulates an injection fee. In our overview you will find all current tariffs along with their injection fees.
Yes, only if you have a digital meter reading unit at home (and solar panels!) can you apply for feed in feeds. A digital meter can register your usage from the grid and your feed in amount separately, thus ensuring a correct calculation of your consumption and yield.

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