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Compare 10 charge cards from 7 charging providers

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Discover the most interesting charge cards - september 2024


Charge your car with the best charge card on the road

With an EV charge card for your electric car, you have access to public charging points in Belgium and the international charging network throughout the EU. Compare the usage cost and the subscription price of all providers. By the way, many charge cards are free to use, and you only pay for your actual consumption.

Typically, charging at home is cheaper than charging your car at a public charging station. You then pay the kilowatt-hour price directly to your own energy supplier. We have a handy overview you can use to calculate your own situation. See our [overview of charging costs per kWh for home chargers](#homecharging)
The abbreviation CPO stands for Charge Point Operator or Charge Point Owner. It refers to the party operating the charge point. Usually, these are names you already know from the streets, such as Allego or Eneco. Sometimes CPOs also place their charge points in subcontracted locations, think parking garages or large shopping centres. The price you pay for a charging station can differ depending on the location where it is installed.
There are still charging points where you can charge your car for free, especially at larger shops or restaurants. So be sure to take advantage of them and combine the useful with the pleasant. Famous names include selected shops such as Decathlon, Aveve, Lidl and McDonalds.
You can apply for a charge card in the form of a physical card, but equally as a key fob or mobile app. Especially if you use the mobile apps, it is interesting to use multiple providers, and thus always choose the best price or quickly find the nearest charging point.
The term "third-party tariff", also known as CPO tariff, means the price that the operator (=Charge Point Operator.) of the charge point charges you for your consumption, this is often a different (third) party than the charge card issuer itself.
You need a charge card/tank card to charge your electric car on the road at a public charging point. Charge cards are available for a specific network, but there are also many charge cards that give you access to other charging networks. The charge card records consumption at all public charge points. Thanks to the charge card, you do not have the administrative hassle of piles of invoices. You will receive one clear monthly invoice listing all your charging transactions.
The success of electric driving largely depends on the availability of charging stations. The Flemish government aims to have at least one public charging station in every Flemish municipality. View a [map showing all charging points in Belgium](#map) here.
Belgium currently has a few thousand publicly accessible charging points from about a dozen charging networks. Unlike at petrol stations, you cannot pay with bank card or cash at most of these charging stations. You usually need a charge card (fuel card). This can be issued by the charge station provider itself, or by a charge card company. These charge card companies provide "multi-brand" cards that work on several charging station networks in Belgium or in several EU countries.
There are different types of charge cards in circulation. Sometimes you pay a monthly subscription fee, giving you access to the providers' (and its partners') entire charging network. In other cases, the charge card itself is free to use, but you pay a small additional cost based on your usage. Be sure to compare all providers via our charge card comparator to make the right choice.
When purchasing the charge card, it is best to keep costs in mind. Transaction fees, activation fees, subscription fees and other charges may be charged by your charge card provider. The best choice is a charge card without fixed monthly fees that gives you access to most charging stations and where you only pay for your final consumption.
Most drivers of electric cars have several charging passes in use. That way, you have the largest choice of public charge points and can choose the most advantageous provider. However, it is expected that as electric driving grows in popularity that a consolidation will take place and that you will be able to use one charge card at more charge points.
We definitely recommend having a proper charging point installed at your home as well. Charging at home is still cheaper than charging at a public charge point. The market of home chargers evolves rapidly, allowing you to charge your car faster and faster. An additional advantage: you will never have to queue until a charge point is available. Some home charge point providers even offer you opportunities to make your own charge point available to third parties, at a certain profit margin.
Don't have hours to wait for your battery to charge? Then a fast charging station is ideal, there just aren't that many of them yet. With such a pole, your car is usually mostly charged within 30 minutes. Do check whether your car is suitable for fast charging. That depends on the connection, the plug may not fit or your car may not draw the power. The best-known network of fast chargers is undoubtedly Tesla Superchargers, but this is reserved for Tesla drivers.
Most charge cards do have cooperation agreements with multiple charging networks (but not with all of them!). This allows you to go to many places when you are on the road. You usually pay a small additional cost for your usage at a third party.
There are currently a number of energy suppliers where you can now also apply for a charge card. Thanks to your energy contract, you will then pay less to the charging station or less for your home energy consumption. Besides a charging pass, they themselves also offer solutions to install a charging station at your home themselves. Both Engie, Luminus and Lampiris already offer charging solutions.
A 'charging pole sticker' is a fairly new term for someone who keeps a charging pole occupied with their car for longer than necessary, preventing someone else from charging. As a deterrent, some charging station operators charge a connection fee for this, per minute, once the battery is fully charged.

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